
Parents Day At The Daycare

As a daycare provider, one should take advantage of every opportunity to involve the parents in the activities and provide input for their children. Seeing parents participate in child care provides a very positive experience to everyone especially to the children. There is much information that can be shared among parents and also provide a lot of information about their children and the best way to handle them.

Child care is mutual cooperation between the provider and the parents. As a parent you don’t just dump your kid at the daycare and let the provider worry about them while your go about your daily business. As providers you should as much as possible facilitate the participation of the parents. Allot a time where you can sit down with them and discuss their child’s performance and how their child is doing.

Parents spending time at the daycare can learn a lot about their kids too. They will see how their child is able to socialize and interact with his or her fellow children. This way the parent can see how the values that they have been imparting to the child are brought to the daycare. Communication is one of the vital factors that help in the development of the child and the dialogue with the provider and parent provides a lot of insight.

Parents must also be given the chance to assess the staff and the facilities. This feedback will allow maximization of the effectivity of the sharing process. There is also a need to talk to your staff to participate in this communication process with the parents. Your staff and the parents can learn a lot from each other. Give time for your staff to show their expertise in handling children this way the parents can learn something from them at the same time be more relaxed leaving their child knowing that they are in good hands.

In cases of negative feed back, make sure you have a way for parents to air out their grievances easily and without fear of being judged. Show them that you are a professional and you welcome positive criticism. This is also a way for you to improve your service not just to the children but also to their parents. Have a complaint procedure where certain aspects can be handled by your staff. This way you get to empower them and at the same time allow them to communicate with the parents. Just be reminded that certain more serious issues should be handled by the management. It would be helpful to have a suggestion box where parents can drop a note if they are uncomfortable telling things to you directly.

The first time you orient the parents you must be able to create an atmosphere that parental involvement is greatly needed and appreciated. You can provide suggestion to parents that they can form a group to help facilitate and provide suggestions in the care of their children. Set out all the procedures and continuous dialogues will prevent any misunderstanding in both parties.

See: How to start a daycare business

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